(314) 770-0880

4220 Rider Trail North
Earth City, MO 63045

(513) 677-3311

106 Commerce Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45140

(603) 512-0866

15 Hooksett Turnpike
Bow, NH 03304


Unwinds - Winders

International manufactures a complete range of standard & custom engineered unwind & rewind stands designed for unwinding & winding a variety of industrial materials including foams & laminated foams, rubber, conveyor belting, cork, textiles & nonwovens, adhesive and non-adhesive tapes, laminates, composites, and similar products in varying dimensions and weights.

The International Unwinds and Winders are robust, complete, packaged solutions for a variety of converting processes, utilizing the highest quality components available, specified for your unique application, and configured for easy integration into your existing cutting or converting line.

Our unwinders & rewinders differ in terms of operation & size, can be configured for single or multiple rolls  for flexibility, and designed to maintain the proper tension during unwinding activities prior to the cutting or laminating phase of the converting process via dancer, sensor, or an integrated puller unit (nip feed) for heavier materials.

ICZ 1600 UNW E

ICZ 1600 UNW R

ICZ 1600 UNW S


ICZ 1600 UNW CR2/S

The width of the workspace for the material varies according to the type of the machine: 1300, 1600 and 2300 MM

Machine TypesProcessing widthDancerPullerSensortypeSide control
     CradleShaftCradle + Shaft 
ICZ 1600 UNW E1600 mmx   x  
ICZ 1600 UNW R1600 mmxx  x  
ICZ 1600 UNW S1600 mm xx x  
ICZ 1600 UNW SC1600 mmxx  x x
ICZ 1600 UNW CR11600 mmxx x  possible
ICZ 1600 UNW CR2/S1600 mmxx   xpossible

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